Cloudray Laser Marking/Engraving Test

Cloudray laser engraver machines can be used on a wide variety of materials like metal, acrylic, fabric, glass, leather, rubber, stone, wood and many more. Whether you're an entrepreneur with a startup business or a well established company, Cloudray Laser's engraving, cutting and marking machines can provide a wide variety of opportunities to help you build your business and increase your profits. The following are the products of the cloudray laser engraving test.

Notification: All marking/engraving tests are operated by a machine from Cloudray official website ( configurations listed on the product page).

Check our FAQ before your purchase if you have some normal questions about how to choose the correct machine.

The Most Suitable

Cloudray Industrial Solution

Even if you are a beginner, Cloudray laser will choose the suitable machine for making your own laser design

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QS Series Engraver

QS series engravers equip with Raycus Q-swith pulsed laser which usually has a small frequency range from 50 to 100khz.
And its pulse width is fixed,so its processing effect on certain materials is not as good as JPT mopa laser like color marking.
So we divide QS series into 30w and 50w, and define it as the best choice for common marking and engraving, and is suitable for deep engravings below 1mm.

MP Series Engraver

Upgrading to JPT Mopa laser, MP series engravers power up to 60Watt and features adjustable pulse width and frequency.
So it's more diverse in designing and processing materials like precison marking.
Generally speaking,small pulse width is suitable for marking sensitive plastics and black marking, medium pulse width is suitable for precise & color marking,large pulse width is suitable for deep engraving.

GM Series Engraver

Baesd on MP series's precision and accurate, we configure a HD carema in it which compatible with Lightburn/Ezcad.
The upgrade of 100W power laser greatly improves its engraving and cutting performance that you can easily handle materials with a thickness of about 5mm.

AR Series Engraver

On the same level as GM series which focuses more on optimizing precision for flat engraving, while AR series emphasizes processing irregular surfaces to create a three-dimensional effect.
With the help of Ezcad3 software, you can realize various editing functions such as multi-layer and 3D curve marking for processed items.
So you can achieve more sophisticated processing and more complex process design for items.

EC Series Engraver

The galvanometer CO2 engraving machine is ideally suited for marking and engraving non-metalic
materials such as wood, acrylic,leather, ceramics, glass, paper, and plastics.Although it has some
limitations in cutting due to its lower power, it excels at delivering clear and rapid image engravings.

UV Series Engraver

The UV laser is ideal for nearly all plastics,glass,rubber, ceramics,and metal marking applications.Its
high material absorption rate enables it to effectively process plastics, heat-sensitive materials, and
highly reflective metals like gold,silver, and copper, which are challenging for other lasers to handle.